With Delicacy and Permanence

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Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance! Boogie Down Dance Series: “Dancin in the Bronx”- May 6th, 2017 Live Solo and Film

"I need distance like your hand holding mine in the dark out of focus

I've been describing the stuckness of my heart/ A stagnant poise

Something inwardly bending in the folds of the erupting tides."


With Delicacy and Permanence reflects the simmer of nostalgia. Its held in the memory of old love and the capability of it to reappear, as the intimacy, infatuation, and in betweens of new relationships bring you forward into the processing. There is this magical hyper-glow in the softening of your heart with the sharpness and hardness from experience, in contrasting duality. There is something suspending about the risk in those layers in our history of intimacy.

Reflecting on the beginnings of what I thought love was, I pay homage to those wild beginnings. I reflect on the new forming of myself that I couldn't comprehend yet. It led into heartbreak that bled in color, music, and unhinged movement. And the film broke through that longing and story- sharing the desire to be close and the breakdown of things not working out.

 Solo Performer: Kayla Farrish Music: The Killers, The High Highs, Lianne La Havas 10 minutes


Other Works

Draft 2 (From the Flowers in the Beloved Loveless Improvisations)- Solo performed at Create:Art at Gallim April 27th

Beloved Loveless Film Improvisations (Accompanied by Photograph Series and Writings)- February/March 2017

In Image of Her - March 2017; performed by Tamrin Goldberg for theREDProject Fundraiser Salon

 Untitled Solos made for TRANSformation, poetry by Lee Schwarts, 2016-2017

Choreography commissioned for the performance of Lee Schwarts poetry for the performances of TRANSformation discussing transgender families experiences and major issues they have faced. Hunter College and Church in the Village. New York, NY. November 2016 and February 2017. Houses on the Moon Theater Company.

In Media Res- October 2014 Of Bones Dance/Hollye Bynum Mouthfull October 2014 at Center for Performance Research- October 17th

Commission by Hollye Bynum/Of Bones Dance Company to create solo for  “Mouthfull” production. Solo torn in

identity of being stuck in fantasy and the ability to confront yourself to move forward. A tension and pull of repetition, trying to reject a returning idea and memory you can’t forget, the piece winds itself through effort, exhaustion, song, wandering, loss, and identity.